COMPLETE solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

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COMPLETE solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by unreadpages »

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page:

The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans 1877- †1946
One of the earliest of the popular science book genre, it is a philosophical summary of the new physics of the era by a leading British physicist. Keeping technical references to a bare minimum, Jeans argues that physics has entered a new age in which mathematical representation has supplanted mechanical models.
(Summary by Peter Tucker)
Text source: (please only read from this text!)

Prooflistener: Newgatenovelist

How to claim a chapter?
Choose a chapter that has no reader assigned yet. Click on POSTREPLY at the bottom of this page to answer to this topic.

Magic Window

Intro, Outro and Disclaimer for CC0:
At the beginning of each file please say:
[Section number] of The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans. This Legamus recording may be distributed and adapted freely for any purpose.
(if you wish: Read by Peter Tucker**)
[Chapter title]

At the end of each section please say:
End of [Section number]
(if you wish: Read by Peter Tucker**)
At the end of the project please say additionally:
"End of The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans. For more information or to volunteer, please visit"

**Please add your name at the beginning or the end, not in both places.

About recording:
Set your recording software to:
Channels: 1 (Mono)
Bit Rate: 128 kbps
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

Please leave 5 seconds silence at the end of your recording, or 10 seconds for files longer than 30 minutes!

Save files as:
128 kbps MP3
(all lower-case) where ## is your section number.
(shorten the first part of the filename if too long!)

Add the following tags to your .mp3 file (how you do this depends on which software you use - if you are unsure about ID3 tags, please ask). Please mind upper and lower case!

Title: ## - [Section title]
Artist: James Jeans
Album: The Mysterious Universe
Genre: Speech
Track Number: Section Number (if sections are numbered from 1, section +1, if sections are numbered from 0)

How to upload your file:
Use (MC/BC will provide login-info for you).
When your file is uploaded, you will get a link. Please post the link here.

And now?
Please check for new posts in this thread until your section has been prooflistened.

Happy recording :)

------------for your MC -----------------------------------
Wiki author:
Wiki translator:
Wiki book:
published: 1930 / [language: English]
category: Science / Tags: physics universe science cosmology
username: Peter Tucker / no homepage
Section: 5 / preface: 1 / License: CC0
temporary headlines

Last edited by unreadpages on Sun 22. Jul 2018, 07:32, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans

Post by Newgatenovelist »

I'd be quite happy to DPL.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans

Post by unreadpages »

Newgatenovelist wrote: Sat 19. May 2018, 00:15 I'd be quite happy to DPL.
Many thanks Erin. I'd be much obliged.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans

Post by Viktor »

And I'm happy to be the MC!

Nice choice of book! Magic Window set up, passwords sent in Private Messages, moving to Readers Found!
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by unreadpages »

Thanks for setup Viktor.
About to load first couple of sections.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Hi Peter,

Sections 00 and 01 are PL OK.

I see this is from the Wellcome collection. If you ever want to read anything else from their collection, ever, please give me a shout. They're wonderful, and I try to visit whenever I get to London.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Section 02 is PL OK. The tags have been omitted - I don't think that's an issue, but I've left a note in the MW so that it can be checked closer to cataloguing.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Hi Peter,

Two notes for section 03 - there are no tags, which is not the end of the world, and it's in stereo. The file itself is absolutely fine. Could you please upload in mono for spot checking?
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by unreadpages »

Hmm. I thought I put tags but maybe I don't have the process right.
Will re-upload, in mono this time, and try putting the tags again.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Are you using Audacity? I suspect not, because I saw something or other about GarageBand in one of the lines when I tried to check for tags. The tags can be dealt with as and when, but I thought I'd mention it as they're not automatically added by the software like they are at LV.

This makes no difference to this project, but at the end of this month and early in July I'll be away from my desk, if I seem a bit slow to respond.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by Viktor »

When it's just about the tags, don't worry, no need to re-upload. I'm having a look at them anyways when catalogging.

Stereo/mono is different, of course :)
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by unreadpages »

Ch 3 reuploaded. ... _jeans.mp3
Should be right now hopefully.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Thanks, Viktor. I thought you checked the tags but wasn't 100% sure.

Peter, for reasons unknown the new file is in stereo. I don't know what part of the system got its knickers in a twist, but could you have another crack at it? If that fails, the other thing I can think of is that I can try to upload it and you can spot check the file I send.
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by unreadpages »

Think I got it this time - worked out what I was doing wrong. ... _jeans.mp3
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

All good!
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Re: solo (ENGLISH) The Mysterious Universe by James Jeans - vik

Post by unreadpages »

Just to let you know I've been away for a couple of weeks and unable to record.
But I'm back now, should be able to get back into it shortly.
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