COMPLETE solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

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COMPLETE solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page:

Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard (*1861 - † 1943)[**TRANSLATORTXT**]
Robert Sherard was Oscar Wilde's friend of 20 years and first biographer. Oscar Wilde Twice Defended was the last of the four books he wrote about the Irish playwright and wit. Sherard responds to the libels he perceives in the writings of other Wildean biographers, including André Gide and Frank Harris, a task he describes as "shooing hyenas away from the graves of the illustrious dead".
(Summary by Rob Marland)
Text source: ... fended.pdf (please only read from this text!)

Prooflistener: Newgatenovelist

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Intro, Outro and Disclaimer for CC0:
At the beginning of each file please say:
[Section number] of Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard. This Legamus recording may be distributed and adapted freely for any purpose.
(if you wish: Read by Rob Marland**)
[Chapter title]

At the end of each section please say:
End of [Section number]
(if you wish: Read by Rob Marland**)
At the end of the project please say additionally:
"End of Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard. For more information or to volunteer, please visit"

**Please add your name at the beginning or the end, not in both places.

About recording:
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Channels: 1 (Mono)
Bit Rate: 128 kbps
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

Please leave 5 seconds silence at the end of your recording, or 10 seconds for files longer than 30 minutes!

Save files as:
128 kbps MP3
(all lower-case) where ## is your section number.
(shorten the first part of the filename if too long!)

Add the following tags to your .mp3 file (how you do this depends on which software you use - if you are unsure about ID3 tags, please ask). Please mind upper and lower case!

Title: ## - [Section title]
Artist: Robert Sherard
Album: Oscar Wilde Twice Defended
Genre: Speech
Track Number: Section Number (if sections are numbered from 1, section +1, if sections are numbered from 0)

How to upload your file:
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And now?
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Happy recording :)

------------for your MC -----------------------------------
Wiki author:
Wiki translator:
Wiki book:
published: 1934 / [language: English]
category: ### / Tags: oscar wilde, biography
username: Rob Marland /
Section: 4 / preface: [**PREFACE**] / License: CC0
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Last edited by RobMarland on Sat 2. Nov 2019, 18:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Do you stand in need of a DPL?
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Re: ~solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard

Post by RobMarland »

Newgatenovelist wrote: Sat 2. Nov 2019, 18:21 Do you stand in need of a DPL?
Yes, thanks a lot, Erin!
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Viktor »

It's my pleasure to be your MC.

The MW is created, you've been sent the passwords, moving to Readers Found.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

Thanks, Viktor!

And, Erin, here is the first section for PL ... herard.mp3
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Hi Rob,

I should have said sooner, but I follow along with the text and tend to do a sort of PL PLus - with prose I make a note of things that seem to alter the meaning or any other little thing that catches my attention. Some readers want to know about anything and everything, however minor, while others are okay with without lots of changes or struggle to get a good vocal match to patch in. I don't know what your preference is, and I really don't mind whatever you decide.

The first couple of these, the opening silence and intro, are standard PL notes. I've noted a few pronunciations - those are entirely at your discretion, or just for future reference (though when you'll need to know some of these words again is beyond me!). If you have any questions or the notes aren't clear, please ask.

Tags – The author’s name (in this case, Robert Sherard) usually goes in the ‘Artist Name’ line rather than ‘Band’. Are you using Audacity? I can try to walk you through that if you need a hand. If need be tags can be adjusted at the last minute, or during cataloguing, but you can have another go if you like if you’re uploading a new version.

OW01 – The opening silence is a tad short.

The title is given in full, but the ‘Legamus’ disclaimer bit of the intro has been omitted.

1.21-1.25, mid-para first para p. 5
…I was able to take advantage of this laches on his part…
Check pronunciation of laches
My two usual go-to sources given different pronunciations, so you can make of that what you will!

9.50-9.53, penultimate line p. 9 ... ichard_von
Check pronunciation of von Kraff-Ebing’s name

10.30-10.35, fourth line first full para p. 10
…that he undoubtedly had inherited the diathesis from his libertine father…
Before I looked this up I would have said the same thing!

25.08-25.11, last line p. 16
…and to give seriatim the reasons…

41.46-41.51, last line main text p. 25
…until Gide opened the cloaca of his fetid imagination.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

Thanks, Erin,

Here is section 1 for spot PL: ... herard.mp3

I thought I had recorded the disclaimer, but that ludicrously long title must have thrown me off!

As for the pronunciation fixes, I haven't implemented those and would rather not receive them in future, thanks. This is for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I decided to start recording Sherard's 4 books about Wilde about 4 or 5 years ago and thought I would finish them sooner than I have. This is the 4th book and, really, I just want to rattle through as fast as possible because I have other books on my to-do list I want to get to. Of course, I will fix mistakes like words that change the meaning or repeated takes I forget to delete, but anything else I have decided to leave. Secondly, Sherard uses lots of French and -- because I can't speak French -- I have Forvo open to check pronunciation while I record. If I see an English word I want to check too, I do that while I read. I'm happy with not catching everything.

Oh, as for the author name: I edited the tags in windows file explorer. I edit with Audition, which doesn't allow you to edit tags at export, like I think Audacity does. There isn't a band tag, but I think I must have put the name in the Album Artist field before instead of the Contributing Artist field. So hopefully it is OK now.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Section 1 is PL OK!

I'm not surprised the long title confused you. I saw it and thought it augured well for the book, but perhaps not for recording as almost a chapter in itself!

No problem about the pronunciations. I understand the to-do list growing at a terrifying pace all too well, and just wanting to get projects rounded off. I've set myself idealistic completion dates for books before now, and I still haven't learned my lesson, so you're not alone there! I'll be here to listen when you're ready so it can just be sent out into the world.

Purely on spec I'll ask you, since you're interested in all things Wilde - do you happen to know of any PD copy of Mary Travers's roman a clef? I know it's more to do with Wilde's father than Wilde himself, but I thought I'd run it past you. I found one copy in Ireland and one in the US, but as far I could tell surviving copies are pretty rare and not digitised. Please tell me if you know anything to the contrary!

PS The author name is coming up without any trouble. All good!
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

Thanks, Erin.

Huh, I didn't know Mary Travers had written a novel. I feel like all I remember being mentioned in biographies is her pamphlet about Sir William / Dr. Quilp. Interesting.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

I think we're talking about the same thing. I've seen it called scurrilous and crude and all manner of similar things. That seemed a bit one-sided. I've seen only one person I can recall referring to it as a roman a clef, which seems a lot less dismissive. I'd like to read it and make up my own mind, especially as the biographies (at least what I've seen, I've not read anything like as many as you have!) seem to ignore it, give it a brief mention or otherwise not to engage deeply or seriously with it. But I fear I've sidetracked us now!
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

Yes, I agree, it would be really interesting to read it. The biographies I have read have tended to be more on the Wildes' side about the whole thing, but I do wonder if there's more to it than that.

The remaining sections are ready for PL.
Section 2: ... herard.mp3
Section 3: ... herard.mp3
Section 4: ... herard.mp3
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

A couple of notes for section 2. I'm most curious to know what he has to say about Shaw.

24.21-24.34, second half p. 37, repetition
…and the foul disease was still la bouteille d’encre – and the foul disease was still la bouteille d’encre – bottle of ink – to the doctors.

39.22-39.25, bottom half p. 44
…Douglas did not at once prosecute Gide [heard Wilde]…
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

O my. He called Ernest Dowson a hack!

Section 04 is PL OK. I have one note for section 03 that I think changes the meaning:

23.21-23.30 bottom p. 60, ‘not’ added to sentence
I would rather [not] believe this, knowing that Harris had no scruples about inserting deliberate forgeries into his text about Oscar…
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

Ernest Dowson, and even Robbie Ross gets a bit of a kicking. I hadn't expected that. There's nothing like this in his earlier books about Wilde. I suppose by the time he hit his 70s, he'd binned whatever remained of his tact.

Thanks for the fixes. I've done those, and the files are ready for spot PL. ... herard.mp3 ... herard.mp3
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

I'm glad it wasn't just me who was surprised by the depiction of Robbie Ross. I thought when I saw it on the launch pad that he would be strident about defending Wilde, but I hadn't realised that he'd be aiming at nearly anyone who came in his path. This was ever so slightly mad, but I appreciate having learned about the battle for Wilde's reputation in the 30s.

Sections 2 and 3 are spot PL OK, which means that this is ready to go to the catalogue! Congratulations on completing your first Legamus solo - the first of many, I hope.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

Thanks, Erin!

I'll be starting a book about Wilde's tour of America shortly, when it comes into PD in Europe. So I'll be back in a few days. Until then, happy new year!
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Viktor »


While I'm preparing the download and catalogue pages - do you have a cover already? or a picture that I could use for making one?
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by RobMarland »

Viktor wrote: Fri 3. Jan 2020, 00:27 Great!

While I'm preparing the download and catalogue pages - do you have a cover already? or a picture that I could use for making one?
Hi Viktor,

Sorry again for another late reply. I still mustn’t have my notifications set up correctly: I’m not receiving emails.

I made covers for all 4 of my Sherard biography projects a while ago, when I started them over at Librivox. So I do have one ready. I am travelling for a few days and can share it on the weekend when I get back to my main computer.

EDIT: I had previously checked I was subscribed to this and other relevant threads by clicking the spanner icon and I saw a checked box labelled ‘subscribe’, so assumed I already was. I just clicked on this box and now it reads ‘unsubscribe’, so I guess (unlike on LV) users aren’t automatically subscribed to threads they post in. Anyway, I assume it will work for me now and I can respond more promptly in future.
Last edited by RobMarland on Tue 14. Jan 2020, 00:12, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Viktor »

The download page is ready at ... edefended/

The catalogue page can be previewed at (password: legamus)

I took the liberty of simplifying the section names (no more "Part 2 of Part 1" :-) - please have a look, and if the section names or anything else is not to your liking, tell me!

If all is good, we can publish the project and insert a cover picture later on. ha, our messages crossed - very happy to integrate the cover you've chosen!
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] Oscar Wilde Twice Defended by Robert Sherard - vik

Post by Viktor »

RobMarland wrote: Mon 13. Jan 2020, 23:50 Sorry again for another late reply. I still mustn’t have my notifications set up correctly: I’m not receiving emails.
Hi Rob - no problem at all. You as the reader are the driver of this project, take any time you like, it's me who doesn't want to delay you :-)

If you feel that notifications should be good but you're still not receiving e-mail, tell me and I try to have a look at it. Sending e-mails from small servers to the big providers (Google etc.) does get more and more cumbersome as they are very ruthless in filtering out what they think is spam. But of course there may also be a genuine misconfiguration on our side which I'll be most happy to correct. (I'd love to have personal newsfeeds (RSS/Atom feeds) but somehow that never got critical mass.)
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