solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

I can't seem to login to edit the Magic Window. I put in the password I've saved and nothing seems to happen. i try it again a few more times and get a No Access message. Do I need to reset the password?
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Viktor »

Hello Andrew,

I just tried it - the MW works for me with the password in my PM to you ("18 Nov 2016 23:26"). But if you continue to have trouble, just paste the information here in the forum and I can update the MW.

As for the "%20" - that's how a space gets encoded in web addresses. So I guess a space is lurking somewhere in the URL where there shouldn't be one.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

Apart from the lack of a Proof Listener (and putting in the hours to get to the end of this project!) the problems seem solved. Section 4 now seems accessible and the original password gets me into the Magic Window. Thank for the help.

Sections 9 and 10 uploaded.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

Section 11 uploaded. 41.25. There is some birdsong in the background in places that I'm hoping isn't too distracting. When I get a proof listener I guess they can advise.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

Section 12 uploaded. Any news on a proof reader?
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

Section 13 uploaded
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

I'm posting to say that I'm willing to be DPL. I'm leaving later in the week on trip for work, but I should start properly PLing once I've returned.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

Thank you again for agreeing to DPL. Section 14 now uploaded.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

No problem at all. I've downloaded section 14, but I just wanted to check in and let you know I probably won't get going until the weekend.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

I'm not sure if I amplified Section 14 so I may need to re-upload that one. But there's no hurry. This project is going to take a while.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

I have one PL note each for sections 00 and 01, and it's the same for both sections. It's that the opening silence is quite short. Could you please extend it to half a second or a full second?

I believe that that was instituted at Librivox because some players clip the very beginning or end of tracks, and leaving that extra bit of silence helps to get round that.

It's not a big deal, but I mention it because I've had the luxury of looking at a batch of files at once. With the tags for section 01, in the 'track title' line it currently says 'Section 01', and most of your other sections don't have the 0. Tags are not a big deal (they can be adjusted at cataloguing), but I mention it as there is a small correction and chance to reupload anyway.

I think that's it. If it isn't clear, please ask!

PS I've not updated the MW as I don't have the project password. No rush on that, but it's easy to overlook it here!
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

There's one PL note for section 02: please make sure you have at least half a second at the beginning of the recording to avoid it being cut off by some tricksy players.

I really don't know Proust terribly well, but I'm enjoying the chance to listen to his rhythms.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

All files resubmitted with a second of silence at the beginning. Section tags for Sections 2-9 changed to 02-09 for consistency.

I love Proust's rhythms too and, fortunately, I think Proust's pace suits my own. I love Saki's short stories and thought my voice would work well and that I would love recording some of them but I really struggled to get the right rhythms.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

That was quick!

Section 03 is PL OK.

I have one note that I'm leaving here so I remember it for later - in the tags, the track title and album title ('Section 03' and 'The Guermantes Way') have been reversed. This is not a problem as it's something that can be checked and adjusted at cataloguing. However, as I noticed it, it's easier to make a note of it now before I forget.

This section is going to make me self-conscious about my own reading. I do wonder quite regularly how much of it is personal interpretation and how much of it is the material being read, and now I've listened to another's meditations on the matter.

Proust does seem to suit you, but don't disregard Saki. More versions of Saki are always welcome, and sometimes giving the listener a moment to let it sink in after he's just dispensed with someone or something in half a sentence would be an effective narratorial approach.

I'm going to mention two very small things I heard. Please tell me if I'm overstepping the mark. I don't think it's anything that will confuse listeners (indeed, I doubt anyone will notice), but these might crop up in future projects so I'll treat it as a (possibly officious) teaching moment. There are a couple of pronunciations I've noted, and I'm including links to both the oxforddictionaries site and howjsay because I'm not sure what your computer will play. Those are the two online resources I tend to use to check my pronunciation. I don't know which ones you prefer.




PS Did you have any trouble reuploading today? Two readers in approximately 24 hours on another thread (you're welcome to join, by the way - it's the Yeats group project in readers wanted!) have had problems, and I'm not sure what's causing it.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Tuberous Chairs »

Section 3 reuploaded with corrected line at 0.57-1.09.

Saki was part of a collaborative work and I completed all my sections for it. I still have the short story Gabriel-Ernest on my bucket list to record, once Proust is done or I need a break. One day I will do it! Ostensibly it's about a teen werewolf but I see a subtext about sociopathic rent boys. Beautifully unnerving.

No problems with uploading.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Sections 00-03 are PL OK. Your patches sound terrific. That's something I always struggle with, and I'm impressed when other readers can get a seamless correction worked in.

You've really relieved my mind regarding the pronunciation. If you've not worked together much, or recently, it's always a bit hard to know what readers will prefer, and my notes are always advisory rather than mandatory. For some, getting the patches for minor things isn't really worth it, but others prefer that. I've got into a bit of a working pattern with others I read/PL and didn't know what you liked. I wasn't trying to make you hunt for that paragraph. Next time I will include the time stamps!

Thanks for mentioning the uploader.

It's been ages since I read Gabriel Ernest. I'm partial to Sredni Vashtar, like everyone is who reads Saki, but I also like Laura. It brings reincarnation as a matter of course, but being Saki it has a fine line in loathing and vindictiveness.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

Section 04 is PL OK. I've had to look up a couple of words in this section, which is always a nice bonus. I just hope I remember them, even if they are hard to slip into daily usage!
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

I have one PL note for section 05 - the volume is a little bit low. Checker is saying it's 85.3. Could you please increase it by about 2 dB?
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

There are two notes for section 06, neither of which require rerecording. The first is that it's a bit quiet - 84.6 dB. Could you please amplify it a wee bit?

The second note is that the opening silence is a tad short - please add a little bit more to bring it up to 0.5-1.0 seconds.
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Re: solo [ENGLISH] The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust - vik

Post by Newgatenovelist »

There is one note for section 7, depending on how finicky you're feeling. It's at 24.19-24.21 and is about the pronunciation of 'patina'. The Oxford reference site I use only provides one pronunciation; Howjsay gives two and suggests one is more common in American usage. Have a listen:

…like the patina of time…
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