E-mails sent by the forum (notifications)

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E-mails sent by the forum (notifications)

Post by Viktor »

Some of you have problems receiving e-mails sent by the forum (after the registration, that are essentially notifications about PMs and topics you "subscribed" to). Others have no issues. A discussion has started in this thread but should be continued here ;)

I think the problems are due to SPF, a rather complicated and controversial anti-spam mechanism. I just tried to adjust it, hopefully things work better. If SPF is too much hassle, I can also deactivate it completely.

Please drop a line in this thread if from now on you still do not get any notifications for subscribed topics.

An alternative to "topic subscriptions" is to use a news reader; each topic, and also the whole forum, have RSS feeds. If you already use other news feeds, this might be an elegant solution because it avoids all spam-filtering issues.
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