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Re: Solo [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan - hok

Posted: Wed 25. Apr 2012, 16:28
by Hokuspokus


But unfortunately doesn't work. I tried 3 browsers but they don't show me a captcha. Could you please upload again to
Simply type into the URL field/address field of your browser, no need to sign up or anything. Click upload file, follow the instructions on the screen and in the end copy the URL from the URL field and post it here, please.

Re: Solo [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan - hok

Posted: Wed 25. Apr 2012, 17:03
by ExEmGe
I think this is it
(for both files)
It gave me the URL at the beginning rather than afterwards. Is that right

Re: Solo [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan - hok

Posted: Wed 25. Apr 2012, 17:21
by Hokuspokus
Yes, got them. Thank you!

Re: Solo [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan - hok

Posted: Thu 26. Apr 2012, 16:48
by dii
15 and 16 are OK, maybe at the very end "by John Buchan" could [should?] be added? Not sure if there's a standard outro yet.

Re: Solo [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan - hok

Posted: Thu 26. Apr 2012, 17:30
by Hokuspokus
No standard outro yet. Sorry.
It's up to you, Andy, if you want to add"by John Buchan", or if you want to add something like: "For more information or to volunteer, please visit".
What we need for cataloging is a summary.

Re: Solo [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan - hok

Posted: Thu 26. Apr 2012, 19:16
by ExEmGe
I've put 'by JB' and the message in plus my name and date (cut that out if you like.

Here's a summary
This is the last of Buchan’s ‘Richard Hannay’ novels. It’s cast of Characters, in addition to Hannay himself, includes from earlier novels, Sandy Clanroyden and the villain D’Invraville. Buchan also introduces a merchant banker 'Lombard' and Hannay’s son Peter John. The action takes place in England, Scotland and the ‘Norland’ Islands, (presumably the Faroes) where a neurotic Norland millionaire who has a claim on Hannay’s protection and owns an island is under attack.
Even the Buchan Society ( concede that this is not one of his best novels ‘occasionally charming and amusing, but no more’ but it is a perfectly good read and those who like Buchan’s style will enjoy having the series properly rounded off.
The title was previously used by Buchan for a political novel, never reprinted and now very rare. (Summary by AJM)

Re: Solo [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan - hok

Posted: Thu 26. Apr 2012, 21:25
by Hokuspokus
Thank you, Andy. Thank you, dii.

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page:

Please have a look on the catalog page and shout if something is wrong.

Re: COMPLETE [ENGLISH] The Island of Sheep by John Buchan -

Posted: Fri 27. Apr 2012, 16:17
by ExEmGe
Thanks dii & thanks HP