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COMPLETE-Selected Short Stories by H.P. Lovecraft vol. 1-vik

Posted: Mon 4. Feb 2013, 10:41
by Piotrek
[Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft] by [Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890 - 1937)],

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog page:

This is the first part of a collection of short pieces by HPL read by different readers (Summary by Piotr Nater)
Text source: (please only read from this text!)

MW : click here


How to claim a chapter?
Choose a chapter that has no reader assigned yet. Click on POSTREPLY at the bottom of this page to answer to this topic.

Intro, Outro and Disclaimer for CC0:
At the beginning of each file please say:
[Section number] of [book title by Author]. This Legamus recording may be distributed and adapted freely for any purpose.
(if you wish: Read by [your name]**)
[Chapter title]

At the end of each section please say:
End of [Section number]
(if you wish: Read by [your name]** )
At the end of the project please say additionally:
"End of book title by author. For more information or to volunteer, please visit"

**Please add your name at the beginning or the end, not in both places.

About recording:
Set your recording software to:
Channels: 1 (Mono)
Bit Rate: 128 kbps
Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz

Please leave 5 seconds silence at the end of your recording, or 10 seconds for files longer than 30 minutes!

Save files as:
128 kbps MP3
titleinoneword_##_authorsurname.mp3 (all lower-case) where ## is your section number. (e.g. titleinoneword_01_authorsurname.mp3)

Add the following tags to your .mp3 file (how you do this depends on which software you use – if you are unsure about ID3 tags, please ask). Please mind upper and lower case!

Title: ## - [Section title]
Artist: Author name
Album: Book title
Genre: Speech
Track Number: Section Number (if sections are numbered from 1, section +1, if sections are numbered from 0)

How to upload your file:
Use - you do not need to log in, anonymous mode is sufficient.
Alternatively, plese read this tutorial:
When your file is uploaded, you will get a link. Please post the link here.

And now?
Please check for new posts in this thread until your section has been prooflistened.

Happy recording :)

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft

Posted: Mon 4. Feb 2013, 10:48
by Piotrek
OK, so this time I wanted a selection of some smaller pieces by HPL. I tagged it as GROUP because I hope that at least one other person decides to join which will probably make the whole thing quicker and more varied. It may happen though that I will end up reading all the stories by myself, if no one comes along :lol: I hope this is OK?
Also, I don't have a definitive list of stories for now, just some proposals that I'd like to read. I'll be adding stories as I go.* If someone decides to join they are welcome to add their own suggestions ;)
Here is a list of HLP's works sortable by (among others) publication date to avoid overlapping with LibriVox. ... bliography

*which is also a kind of emergency exit and face-saving ploy if I at some point decide to abandon this thing. I can always claim that the collection is full :lol:

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft

Posted: Mon 4. Feb 2013, 16:14
by rapunzelina
Piotr, funny guy! :lol:

I can listen for you if you'd like me to!
(I might even get a chance to read at some point)

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft

Posted: Mon 4. Feb 2013, 23:12
by Viktor
I can be MC. The MW follows shortly.

Moving to Readers Wanted.

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 5. Feb 2013, 10:29
by Piotrek
Thanks for adopting this project, Victor. Rapunzelina, it's good to have you here again, in whatever role :)
The problem is that I have no idea how to modify this MW. It doesn't give me the necessary options. There's no "log in" in the right upper corner for a start.

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 5. Feb 2013, 15:03
by Viktor
That's normal that you can't edit it yet. I still have to give you access, and I'm waiting for your response to my PM :mrgreen:

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 5. Feb 2013, 20:49
by Piotrek
That only PM I got from you doesn't have anything to do with MW. What PM are you talking about?

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 5. Feb 2013, 23:29
by Viktor
"What e-mail address of yours shall I give to Google for getting access to the MW? Your one?"

Weird, I was very much sure of having written such a PM to you yesterday, but now I don't see any traces of it. Apologies!

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 5. Feb 2013, 23:48
by Piotrek
The gmail one.

And don't worry. It happened to me on several occasions that I thought I sent my student materials, but when the lesson time came it turned out that he hadn't received anything. It was only later that I discovered what had happened. Somehow instead of "send" I pressed "draft". :lol:

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 5. Feb 2013, 23:52
by Viktor
Hm. One more episode that makes me prefer good old e-mail, in spite of all its apparent problems.

Piotr, Google should have sent you an invitation e-mail right now with access to the MW. When you're logged into Google, you can edit it.

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Wed 6. Feb 2013, 11:47
by Piotrek
Ok, I added the titles for the first four stories that I'm planning to read.
But the MW still looks different than in my previous projects in that I can't see any "log in" when I open the MW. Does that mean that whenever I want to edit something I have to go to gmail website, log in to my account, find your email, click on the link there and only then can I edit anything? Sounds like a rather circuitous way of doing the job. In comaparison, with the previous projects I would just access the MW, click on "log in", log in to email from there and there I would be in the spreadsheet.

Also, when I click on MW links in other people's solos I can clearly see that they are different from mine. Not only do I see the "log in" in the right upper corner, but all the tool bar above the list (you know, options like bold, underline and such). This tool bar is not to be found in my MW.

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Wed 6. Feb 2013, 19:05
by Viktor
Looks like something could be better configured. I'll have a look tonight.

A quicker way of accessing that spreadsheet - and any Google doc you have access to - should be to log into

Edit: Just checked - looking at what Google provides, this way might actually be "better" than the other one. At least, it's what Google provides. What you currently see, is what Google calls "publish to the web". You don't have a "Log in" button but you do have the "Google drive" link on the bottom. If you click that, you should quickly be inside the editor. Does that suit you, or do you still want me to give the full URL like in the other projects?

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Thu 7. Feb 2013, 11:48
by Piotrek
Viktor wrote: Edit: Just checked - looking at what Google provides, this way might actually be "better" than the other one. At least, it's what Google provides. What you currently see, is what Google calls "publish to the web". You don't have a "Log in" button but you do have the "Google drive" link on the bottom. If you click that, you should quickly be inside the editor. Does that suit you, or do you still want me to give the full URL like in the other projects?
Thanks for the tip. I've just used this option and it's OK :)

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Sun 17. Mar 2013, 23:03
by Piotrek
And here comes the first story: "The Festival"
Duration: 21:35

The repetition of the word "spinning" at one point is intentional.

Hopefully, I'll progress faster from now on.

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Mon 18. Mar 2013, 16:01
by rapunzelina
Hi Piotr! Exciting!!! :D

Hmmm, I think I spotted a missing phrase (due to over-editing?). At the end of the story, text is "[...] and the dull scavengers of earth wax crafty to vex it and swell monstrous to plague it. Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl." I think the phrase in bold is missing, in case you want to add it.

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 19. Mar 2013, 10:08
by Piotrek
Yeah, that's definitely the over-editing thing :rolll: Usually I manage to catch such problems when I re-listen to a fragment, though....

I'll definitely re-record this bit today and then re-upload.

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Tue 19. Mar 2013, 21:05
by Piotrek
OK, here comes the fixed version.
Duration: 21:41

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Sat 23. Mar 2013, 12:37
by rapunzelina
File spot-checked and all OK :D

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Fri 5. Apr 2013, 13:54
by Piotrek
Here comes "Cool Air" ... ecraft.mp3
Duration: 20:50
Do not listen to this around eating time...

Re: [Group] Selected Short Stories by H. P. Lovecraft - vik

Posted: Fri 5. Apr 2013, 22:49
by alanw
Hi Piotrek

May I join you and read 'In the Vault', please?
